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In January of 2023, God opened the door for PRMI to begin training national pastors along the India/Nepal border. With the help of national pastor, Dheeraj Thapa (pictured left in green shirt) and the organization of RJ Turner (PRMI Treasurer), 22 pastors and church planters have joined our remote learning group to begin personal discipleship training, Bible classes, and Systematic Theology lessons. Most of these men have had some degree of Bible college training but are looking to further their knowledge of the Scriptures and sharpen their preaching/teaching skills. This area is a difficult part of the world where persecution is alive and false doctrines abound. In some cases, churches meet underground.  But, God has His faithful servants in places like these to strengthen the churches, challenge believers, plant churches, and evangelize unreached people groups (Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, northern Myanmar, etc.). The Gospel is truly advancing in this region! PRMI is committed to 1) providing Biblical training that instructs in sound doctrine; 2) theological resources for proper study and understanding of the Scriptures; 3) discipleship and leadership mentoring; and 4) church planting and evangelism efforts.


Providing Resources
One of the goals of PRMI is to provide theological resources so national pastors can be adequately trained and properly equipped for gospel ministry. Harvest Baptist Church in Guam, gave a generous gift to PRMI so we  could purchase tablets for these pastors to be able to download theological resources for study and preparation. These tablets are used for our Zoom classes/studies. Pastors are receiving weekly instruction in courses like: Creation to Consummation, The Theology of Worship,  The Doctrine of the Bible, Cults & False Religions, The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, Philosophy of Ministry, Christian Leadership, Systematic Theology, and more. PRMI is also helping these pastors reach out into their communities by supporting gospel projects and other outreach programs.

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