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President, J.Mark Kittrell
J. Mark Kittrell has served in evangelism, church planting, and missions for over 35 years. As the President of Pacific Rim Missions International, Mark travels extensively throughout the US and Asia preaching in churches, speaking at missions conferences, teaching seminary students, and helping train Asian nationals for gospel ministry in the Philippines, Myanmar, India, and Nepal. Mark and Tammisue live in Oregon.

Jared Baldwin



Richard Turner 


Ken Keith



Dr. Marty Herron


Board Members



Our Missions Philosophy
We believe that...
  • The local church is God's agency for fulfilling the Great Commission.

  • The foundation of a strong missions program is doctrinal clarity and biblical integrity.

  • Missions is sustained through fervent prayer and financial stewardship.

  • Mission work should have an indigenous focus and global vision.

  • The heart of missions is God's glory in all the earth.

Our Statement of Faith

We believe in the inspiration, inerrancy, infallibility, and sufficiency of the Scriptures as God’s final and authoritative word in both the Old and New Testaments; in the eternal Triune God existing in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—identical in nature and perfections and equal in glory; in the depravity of man and his need to be saved from his lost condition; in Jesus Christ the sinless, virgin-born Son of God and in His vicarious death for our sins, resurrection from the dead, ascension into Heaven, intercession for the saints, and imminent return and second coming; that lost man can only be eternally and securely saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone; in the church as both a universal and local body of believers; in the eternal state of Heaven for the saved and the lake of fire for the lost.

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